
At the Mercy of Autocrats? Democratic Backsliding in EU Member States and the EU's Response

On October 14th at 2:00 pm in the Department of Political and Social Sciences, room XXI marzo, there will be a seminar of the Jean Monnet Chair Challenges to Democracy and Representation in the EU (EuDARe) coordinated by Prof. Marcello Carammia. Prof. Anna Katharina Mangold, of Flensburg University will discuss the democratic backsliding in EU MS and “authocratic legalism” (Kim Lane Scheppele). Moderator Marcello Carammia, Jean Monnet President and President of the CdlM in Global Politics and Euro-Mediterranean Relations.

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What’s next? Mentoring seminars for international careers

How difficult is it for a newly graduated – or for a final-year student – to start his/her career, especially in the global development cooperation domain? How useful would it be for them to have somebody to look up to, as a guide, as an advisor, as a senior with more years on his/her shoulders, to be guided in achieving objectives and becoming more conscious on the paths to pursue?

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Professor Bojan Kovacevic Interview

Listen to Professor Kovacevic discussing about the background of populism in the history of political thought. Interview by Mirko Narbone. Filming by Silvia Rabuazzo. Editing by Silvia Rabuazzo. Guest Bojan Kovacevic.

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Unarmed and disarmed prophets. Savonarola, D’Annunzio, and today's European populists

Giorno 07 maggio alle 16.00 nel Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e Sociali, aula 4 dell’edificio di via Gravina, si terrà il seminario della Cattedra Jean Monnet Challenges to Democracy and Representation in the EU (EuDARe) coordinata dal prof. Marcello Carammia. Il prof. Bojan Kovacevic dell’Università di Belgrado discuterà gli antecedenti del populismo nella storia del pensiero politico. Modera Marcello Carammia, Jean Monnet Chair e Presidente del CdlM in Global Politics and Euro-Mediterranean Relations del DSPS.

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Professor Iacus Interview

Listen to Professor Iacus explaning what LLM models are and why they are so important. Interview by Silvia Rabuazzo. Filming by Viviana Condorelli. Editing by Silvia Rabuazzo. Guest Stefano Maria Iacus.

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Ma cosa mi dici mai? Come funzionano i modelli linguistici alla base di ChatGPT, e quanto possiamo fidarci

Giorno 17 aprile alle 16.00 in aula 21 Marzo si terrà il primo seminario della Cattedra Jean Monnet Challenges to Democracy and Representation in the EU (EuDARe) coordinata dal prof. Marcello Carammia. Il prof. Stefano Iacus, direttore di data science all’Istituto di Scienze Sociali Quantitative di Harvard, discuterà del funzionamento dei chatbot e dei large language model che ne sono la base. Saluti: Francesca Longo, Prorettrice dell’Università di Catania Pinella Di Gregorio, Direttore del DSPS Modera Marcello Carammia, Presidente del CdlM in Global Politics and Euro-Mediterranean Relations.

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